I have to say this was one of the best summer conferences I have attended. The workshops, coaching classes, and keynote speaker were tremendous. Another wonderful aspect was seeing friends and spending time with them. There were also many new attendees, and as with my friends from past conferences, I have made new acquaintances. Pictured above is my close friend, Stu Gardner from Canada.
As this picture was snapped, in strutted two distinguished gentlemen, and to Stu's and I surprise, our two Scottish brothers stood before us. After many hugs, they told us how they just flew in to see us. They also heard a red-headed woman, quite possibly a Scott herself was the main speaker. You can see in the pictures that we all can be mistaken for twins. However, I must clear up any pre-conceived notions, I am the youngest of all the brothers.
Before the two Scottish brothers whisked away back to the homeland, it was mentioned they may return next year and be a part of the 2008 conference. Our mother would've been so proud of her sons.
Like my writing friends, the next few posts will be about the conference, with pictures of course.
Great pics, Ern! Stu was a funny guy. We had lots of fun, didn't we?
Bring on the pictures! (Thanks to all y'all, I'm filling up a nice folder in My Pictures for OCW shots. I wuv all you guys ...) : )
Yeah, Ernie, a new post at last. Fun pictures too. Sorry I missed meeting your brothers.
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